did you manage to achieve (an) orgasmの例文
an orgasm
She's never had an orgasm, she informs him. It was such an orgasm for me to watch him play. He tells Margaret she survived because she never experienced an orgasm. Healthy sex meant a good......

anal orgasm
The aforementioned orgasms are sometimes referred to as " anal orgasms, " but sexologists and sex educators generally believe that orgasms derived from anal penetration are the result of t......

breast orgasm
On rare occasions, stimulation of the breast area during sexual intercourse or foreplay, or solely having the breasts fondled, creates mild to intense orgasms, sometimes referred to as a "......

clitoral orgasm
Some research suggests that G-spot and clitoral orgasms are of the same origin. In nearly all cases, metoidioplasty patients can continue to have clitoral orgasms after surgery. With this ......

dark orgasm
The band added keyboard player Joe Orban to its line up and released a follow up on Nasoni " Plastic Jesus And The Third Eye Blind " after supporting Cope on his 2006 " Dark Orgasm " tour.......

delayed orgasm
Paxil was not without side effects, however, among them significant sleepiness and delayed orgasm. For instance, delayed orgasm or the inability to achieve orgasm is a common side effect o......

digital orgasm
This list does not include material by Praga Khan supremo Maurice Engelen, that was recorded with 101, 2 Body's, Alpha Beta, Angel Ice, Anthony Prince, Baba Yaga, Babe Instinct, Boy Toy, C......

dry orgasm
An orgasm that is not accompanied by ejaculation is known as a dry orgasm. Men who have had prostate or bladder surgery, for whatever reason, may also experience dry orgasms because of ret......

fake orgasm
Sixty-four percent said they at least sometimes fake orgasms. Maybe you're curious about the number of women who fake orgasms? And yes, she has faked orgasm offscreen. A : I have to go to ......

faking an orgasm
We talked, and laughed, about the art of faking an orgasm. Only gradually does he admit that he has faked an orgasm . ). In one funny sequence, he is reduced to faking an orgasm with his l......

faking orgasm
Sixty-four percent said they at least sometimes fake orgasms. Maybe you're curious about the number of women who fake orgasms? And yes, she has faked orgasm offscreen. A : I have to go to ......

female orgasm
Female orgasms are not an issue in most of the films. What might is recognizing the truth about the mechanics of female orgasm. There are theories that the female orgasm might increase fer......

forced orgasm
He plays Orgazmo's sidekick Choda Boy, who assists Orgazmo with specially designed sex toys, including Orgazmo's signature weapon, the Orgazmorator, a ray gun that forces orgasm upon whome......

global orgasm
Thanks for bringing global orgasm into attention . talk ) 08 : 27, 27 September 2009 ( UTC) "' The Second Annual Synchronized Global Orgasm for Peace "'occurred at 6 : 08 ( UTC ) on Decemb......

global orgasm for peace
"' The Second Annual Synchronized Global Orgasm for Peace "'occurred at 6 : 08 ( UTC ) on December 22, 2007. Global Orgasm for Peace follows in the footsteps of other mass meditation and p......

have an orgasm
Later Mike walks in on Jeanie having an orgasm during the massage. "The way I drew it, she looks like she's having an orgasm. Meg Ryan's character wouldn't just fake having an orgasm in th......

involuntary orgasm
:The body's normal response to not having orgasms is an involuntary orgasm knowns as a wet dream. An involuntary orgasm from forced sexual contact often results in feelings of shame caused......

male orgasm
For example, modern findings support distinction between ejaculation and male orgasm. Is it possible to increase the pleasure of male orgasms? These rhythmic contractions are part of the m......

multiple orgasm
Some women have experienced such multiple orgasms quite spontaneously. Author Kathy Shaidle wrote that the massager is able to give females multiple orgasms. Delivering on her word, she re......

myth of the vaginal orgasm
Finally " The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm " by Anne Koedt discovered an understanding of a women s sexual anatomy. A notable radical feminist work on women's sexuality is Anne Koedt's The ......

One respondent says she prays " during orgasm ." Most prostitutes are unable to have orgasms with their chosen partners. Carlson agrees : " Uterine contractions are part of orgasm. She's n......

orgasm addict
Then the band left the stage, returning for several strong, generous encores that brought songs like " Orgasm Addict," His first notable work was design for the punk rock group Buzzcocks, ......

orgasm control
Many individuals assert that orgasm control is more often possible with masturbation. To experience orgasm control, any method of sexual stimulation can be used. Orgasm denial as a way of ......

orgasm day
The town is the home of International Female Orgasm Day which was established in 2007 by Jos?Arimat閕a Dantas Lacerda.

orgasm death gimmick
He had left his first band,'Orgasm Death Gimmick'in search of new band mates.